Wishlist 2.0


We are getting near “the season” and therefore starting the never ending process of scouting for the right gift for each of your family members and friends. For kids it means writing a letter to santa, for grown ups it means setting up an online wishlist :) because you never know when someone has no idea what to offer you and browses through your website ( hint ).

I’ve used the Amazon wishlist for sometime now, but I mostly regret the fact that it is limited to Amazon products.boxedup.com

That said I have kept a webpage in my homepage/blog in order to track my “wanna” christmas/birthday gifts. But it lacks the Web 2.0 features of tagging, sharing and inter-exchange of information.

That said I did the obvious… I googled for a wishlist website providing a Web2.0 service.

What I found was http://www.boxedup.com/ a website that enables everyone to easily share and maintain a wish list.

One of the features I found most interesting was the ability to import your amazon wishlist to the site, which sure eased the migration process.

written by Diogo Gomes