I would like to use this post to public congratulate the University of Aveiro Teams involved in last weeks “Festival Nacional de Robótica” held at IPCB.
After winning last years Robocup, CAMBADA just revalidated the national title (third championship on a row) for middle size robots. As for Autonomic Driving the DEM took the victory with ATLAS-2008 and ATLAS-MV in the first 2 places with a 4th place going to DETI’s ROTA.
These achievements are not random, and are a direct result of effort put into these projects by both students and professors, and of the quality of the education and research done in the University of Aveiro.
On a lighter side of this post:
CAMBADA won the final against FEUP by 8-0 and established it self a new record against IST with a 22-0 result :)
FCP might have won the championship for the 4th time on a road leaving my Benfica in a dreadfull 3rd position, but at least the university teams kickhass! :)