New Theme


This blog is now more then 4 years old, and was in dear need of some shake ups…

It’s true that I don’t post here that often, with a new semester that started just last week, with a brand new class on Information Systems Infra-Structures that I’m now preparing, with new research projects just kicking in, and of-course with my ~20month year old daughter that requires full attention from everyone in the house, it’s been hard to publish new posts that have been lining in the pipeline.

Simplefy ScreenshotNonetheless, I’ve started in December (yes that long ago!) working in a new wordpress theme to update this blog. The theme is based on Automattic Toolbox which is a semantic, HTML5, canvas in which I could fit a very simple theme I found at

The theme name is very obvious: Simplefy. It’s a trick word with “Simple” and 5 (of HTML5).

In addition to the new theme, I’ve updated the RSS feed url. So please, if you are reading this blog through an RSS please make sure to update the url to

written by Diogo Gomes